It normally abbreviated with the dollar sign$, or alternatively S$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. 它通常简化为货币符号$,或者另外是S$以区别于其它美元命名的货币。
However, you do need the dollar sign, as in$ MYVARIABLE, whenever you use the variable. 然而,当您使用这个变量时,必须使用美元符号,比如$MYVARIABLE。
For example, both ( asterisk) and$ ( dollar sign) are regex operators and also have special meaning to your shell. 例如,(星号)和$(美元符号)都是regex操作符,并且对于您的Shell具有特殊的含义。
You've already seen in XQuery that a variable is defined by putting a dollar sign ($) in front of an identifier name. 您可能已经看到,XQuery中通过在标识符前加上美元符号($)来定义变量。
The caret sign (^) signifies the beginning of a line; the dollar sign ($) signifies the end. ^符号(^)表示一行的开始;$符号($)表示一行的结束。
E adds the dollar sign ($) at the end of each line. E在每一行的结束处添加美元符($)。
The beginning and end of the range is separated by a comma(,) and may be specified as a line number, a regular expression, or a dollar sign ($) for end of file. 行的起始和结束由一个逗号(,)分隔,并且可以被指定为行号、正则表达式或表示文件结束的美元符号($)。
The nondescript dollar sign ($) prompt can sport colors, reflect your current working directory, and even show the weather. 美元符号($)提示符可以显示为不同的颜色,以反映当前工作目录,甚至是天气情况。
Environmental variables are available inside VUE scripts by preceding the environmental variable name with the$ ( dollar) sign. 在环境变量名称前面加上$(美元)符号,就可以在VUE脚本中使用环境变量。
Also notice that unlike regular properties, a class constant does not begin with the dollar sign. 还要注意,与常规属性不同,类常量不以美元符号开始。
At first glance, the dollar sign may seem unnecessary, but it's critical. 乍看之下,美元符号可能看似不必要,但是它是至关重要的。
Path expressions can also start with a variable, which is a name preceded by a dollar sign ($). 路径表达式还可以以变量开始,变量是以美元符号($)开头的名字。
Mode m: Make the caret (^) and dollar sign ($) match at the start and end of each line, for example, after and before line breaks embedded in the source string. 模式m:使插入符号(^)和美元符号($)在每一行的开始和结尾相匹配,例如,在源字符串中嵌入前后换行符。
Unlike PPE assembly language, in SPE assembly language registers are always prefixed with a dollar sign. 与PPE汇编语言不同,SPE汇编语言寄存器总是以美元符号开始。
The dollar sign ($) is an alias for a jQuery instance. 美元符号($)是jQuery实例的别名。
A dollar sign ($) at the beginning of a line means it's a normal UNIX shell command. 一行开头处的美元符号($)表示该行是常规的UNIXShell命令。
You use the bang, or exclamation point(!), to access the history, and the dollar sign ($) returns the last field of the previous command. 您使用感叹号(!)来访问历史,然后使用美元符号($)返回前一命令的最后字段。
A share ending in a dollar sign ($) is considered hidden and not shown in Microsoft clients, even thought the server will advertise the existence of the share. 以美元符号($)结尾的共享都是隐藏共享,不会显示在Microsoft客户端,即使服务器会报告该共享的存在。
The leading dollar sign is the shell prompt. 开头的美元符号是Shell提示符。
And the dollar sign ($) matches the end of the string. 并且使用美元符号($)匹配字符串末尾。
SubTotal Minimum-check this box and enter the USD amount ( without the dollar sign) if you want your coupon to be good only for orders that reach the subtotal that you enter. 小计最低金额限制&若您希望您的优惠券仅对达到您所输入的小计金额的订单有效,请选取此框并输入美元金额(不包含美元符号)。
Woody: That dollar sign is the command prompt. 那个美元符号是命令提示符。
The dollar is represented by the dollar sign,$. “美元”用美元符号“$”代表。
The tag, if any, of a dollar-quoted string follows the same rules as an unquoted identifier, except that it cannot contain a dollar sign. 如果有标签的话,一个美元符包围的字串遵循和无引号包围的标识符相同的规则,只是它不能包含美元符。
To enter a value in currency format, type a dollar sign before the value. 输入数值前先键入$,则输入的数值将套用货币样式。
To select this branch, head over to the green dollar sign in Alderney. 要选择此科,头部向绿色的美元符号,在艾希特。
The Chinese central bank on Tuesday raised the daily reference rate for the renminbi against the dollar in a sign that Beijing might allow further gentle appreciation of the currency this week. 中国央行(pboc)周二上调了人民币兑美元汇率中间价,表明北京方面可能会允许人民币在本周进一步温和升值。
A dollar sign ($) followed by digits is used to represent a positional parameter in the body of a function definition or a prepared statement. 美元符号($)后面跟着数字用于在一个函数体定义或者准备好的语句中表示参数的位置。
In other contexts the dollar sign can be part of an identifier or a dollar-quoted string constant. 在其他环境里美元符号可能是一个标识符名字或者是一个美元符包围的字串常量的一部分。